Enrollment Capacity
Step 1: In ‘Maintain Schedule of Classes,’ navigate to the ‘Enrollment Cntrl’ tab.
Step 2: Set the maximum seats for the section.
The ‘Enrollment Capacity’ is the maximum number of students allowed to register for that section. The ‘Wait List Capacity’ is the number of spots allowed for a student waitlist once the enrollment cap has been met and the class is full. Once a registered student drops/removes the class from their schedule the student in the #1 position on the waitlist will automatically be placed in the class by SIS.
Step 3: Make sure the ‘Requested Room Capacity’ matches ‘Enrollment Capacity’, as the requested room capacity does not determine classroom size and is an outdated field.
Step 4: Click the ‘Save’ button in the bottom left corner.
Important Note:
Our office schedules the “110” classrooms based on a full class meeting at least a 65% seat fill. This is per guidelines set by the UNC System (formerly called UNC General Administration or GA).
Determining Enrollment Caps
All departments should regularly review the set enrollment capacities for all sections. Not only should future growth of a program and anticipated demand for a particular course be taken into consideration, adjustments should be made for sections that historically under-enroll. If the enrollment caps are adjusted to a more accurate number, this will both improve seat fill ratio data NC State sends to the UNC System each year as well as allow more appropriate classroom scheduling.
You can see historical enrollments by following these steps:
Step 1: In MyPack Portal go to the Student Information System preset page.
Step 2: Select the ‘Reporting Tools’ tile.
Step 3: Select ‘Enrollment Statistics’ from the left side menu.
Step 4: Enter subject/course prefix to see a list of all of courses. A catalog number can also be entered to see a specific course.
Step 5: Select a specific semester to see a breakdown of enrollment totals for each section offered.