Maintain Schedule of Classes

For maintenance of class records, the ‘Maintain Schedule of Classes’ will be your primary tool in SIS. Most general data relating to class setup, such as adding or removing sections, meeting times, meeting location, instructors, class sizes, and final exam assignments, will be found within this section.

General Information

How to Navigate to ‘Maintain Schedule of Classes’

  1. Log into MyPack Portal using a valid Unity ID and password
  2. Navigate to the Student Information System homepage
  3. Select the ‘Curriculum Management’ tile
  4. From the left-hand navigation menu, select the ‘Schedule of Classes’ folder
  5. Select ‘Maintain Schedule of Classes’

Search for a Class

Once on the ‘Maintain Schedule of Classes’ search page, search for a class based on the following information:

  • Academic Institution* = NCSU1
  • Term* = select the term that corresponds to the semester the class will be offered in (e.g. 2228 for Fall 2022 or 2231 for Spring 2023) 
  • Subject Area = enter course prefix
  • Catalog Number
  • Academic Career
  • Campus
  • Course ID
  • Course Offering Number
  • and Academic Organization

*These fields are required for search.

Select ‘Search.’

Reading the Class Management Page

If the search result has multiple classes offered for the given course, navigate between the various class offerings or choose to ‘View All.’

The ‘Maintain Schedule of Classes’ page consists of seven sections of information. Those section tabs are:

  1. Basic Data → houses basic section details including session, association number, campus, class type, special topics title, and attributes          
  2. Meetings → contains the class time, days of the week, and instructor(s)
  3. Enrollment Control → contains section status, enrollment consent, and maximum number of seats
  4. Reserve Cap → setup of reserved seats
  5. Notes → optional text boxes for adding notes about class fees, requirements, additional course information, etc.
  6. Exam → the official final exam assignment
  7. LMS Data → please ignore, tab is not used.

During the open edit access period, schedulers have the ability to add or change this information. After optimization and publication of the class schedule for the upcoming term, schedulers are only able to edit basic information such as instructor, enrollment capacity, and reserve caps. (See the production schedule for specific dates.)

Next Steps

Additional information about how to maintain the class schedule, including how to add sections or change class attributes, is also available on this website. View the links below for more details on schedule maintenance.